I could care less if Mac & Devin don't graduate (or for that matter DIE). But good stoner comedies have good characters that you like and care for.
Which is sad because this is a movie that I've been anticipating as a fan of Wiz and Snoop, and a fan of stoner comedies. I could go in depth about how bad the acting was or how flat the jokes fell, but I'm not trying to write a book. When you make a movie specifically to sell something or some things ("Jack and Jill") it will usually not turn out well. Now I could be wrong about this, but, while watching, it seemed that the overall point of the movie was to sell music. When put into the right hands, this plot could possibly become effective, but usually this is not the case. This story has been reused 1000 times over. A cool kid helps a nerdy kid become cool. The next issue came when I began to uncover what the overall plot was. But relying on the intoxication of your audience for a films enjoyment is pathetic. Now, it's no lie that weed makes some terrible movies more enjoyable.

Slow Burn then proceeds to tell us that we have to get high to enjoy this movie. Slow Burn delivers some of the dumbest and unfunny dialogue I've ever heard. A poorly animated cartoon joint that, really, looks like a white banana. The first problem is at the beginning of the movie, when we're introduced to "Slow Burn". But unfortunately (in my opinion) this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. So when I heard that they were collaborating to make a stoner comedy I was excited. I am a fan of both Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa.